
Monday, December 19, 2011

~ cupcakes square ~

What do you think?  Does it look like cupcakes?  This is the same pattern as the ice cream cones square.  :)

The pattern is here:

Friday, December 16, 2011

~ ice cream cones square ~

What do you think?  Does it look like ice cream cones?  I bought the Impeccable yarn from Michael's - it's called 'neopolitan'.  :)

The pattern is here:

Saturday, December 10, 2011

~ Christmas wreath ~

- 2 1/2 oz. green 4-ply worsted weight acrylic
- 3/4 oz. white novelty yarn (I used Bernat Boa)
- J hook
- 6" diameter plastic ring

Size:  approximately 9 1/2" across

Rnd 1:  Join green with a sc around ring, continue to sc around ring to completely cover.  Join with a sl st to 1st sc.

Rnd 2:  Ch 1, sc in same st as joining st, ch 2.  *sc in next sc, ch 2.  Repeat from * around.  Join as before.

Rnd 3:  Sl st into ch-2 space, (ch 3, 2 dc) in same space.  3 dc in each ch-2 space around.  Join with a sl st to top of ch 3.  

Rnd 4:  Ch 3, dc in same st as joining st.  2 dc in each dc around.  Join with a sl st to top of ch 3, ch 8, sl st in same st as joining.  End off.

Rnd 5:  With white novelty yarn, join with a sc to 2nd dc.  Sc in each sc around.  Ch 1 to skip loop, join with a sl st to 1st sc.  End off.

- decorate as you'd like

***Debi Y's version***  

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

~ kitchen towel looper ~

- small amount 4-ply worsted weight acrylic
- heart shaped kids bracelet (I bought mine at the dollar store)
- I hook
- one 3/4" button

Size:  crochet part (not including loop) is 2" x 7"

- the ch 4 counts as a dc and ch 1 space.

Row 1:  Join with a sc around bracelet.  Work 6 more sc around bracelet.  Ch 4, turn.  (7 sc)

Row 2:  Skip next 2 sc, 3 dc in next sc, ch 1, skip next 2 sc, dc in last sc.  Ch 3, turn.

Row 3:  Dc in each ch space and dc across.  Ch 4, turn.

Rows 4 - 13:  Repeat Rows 2 - 3.  At end of Row 13, do not ch 4, chain only 1 and turn.

Row 14:  Sc 1st and 2nd dc together, sc in next dc, (sc, ch 7, sc) in next dc, sc in next dc, sc next dc and ch 3 (which is the last dc) together.  End off.

- sew button to Row 3.

***Debi Y's version***