
~ hints and tips ~

* most of the Red Heart Super Saver yarns today are soft, but if you have those dreaded 'feel like sandpaper' skeins, all you have to do to soften them up is run it through the dryer with a damp towel after you have completed your project.  I do this with the baby blankies I crochet, and they always come out soft and slinky.

* before sewing buttons, flowers or any kind of trim onto your crochet project - glue it down lightly with fabric glue first.  It will be so much easier.

* to remind you what hook you used for a project that you put down - use a safety pin reminder.  Attach the pin in your last stitch and you should be good to go when you're ready to pick up that project again.

- or you can take a picture of your project with the hook laying on it

* to keep your ball of yarn from rolling away from you - place the ball into an over-sized soup mug or a clean, recycled ceramic flower pot.

* having trouble putting together color combinations for your projects?  Take a look around your house.  Pick the colors from your favorite painting.  Or maybe the colors from the print of your couch.  Look at the packaging of your food products.  There's lots of ideas there, and chances are, if the colors look nice together on the package - they will look nice in your crochet project.

*  I prefer to not mix different yarns together - and by that, I mean cottons, acrylics, wools, whatever.  Washing and drying instructions are different for each fiber.  Cottons will shrink if dried in the dryer - and so will wool.  Acrylics need to be dried in the dryer so it will retain it's shape.

*  I do not block any of my crocheted projects.  When I'm crocheting and my project starts to take on a cup shape, then I know that I need to go back and add more stitches.  If my project starts to do the wave (like the crowd does at a football game), then I know that I need to go back and remove some stitches.  It's all in the math I suppose.

*  weave in all ends as you go along.  It'll be so much better for you because when you're done - you're done.

*  a good way to keep embroidery threads, crochet threads, ribbons and what-not, are on small pieces of plastic canvas cut in the shape of a capitol 'I'.



  1. I love your simple hook charms, the safety pins with the letter beads. I have some that I bought that are much more expensive than your suggestion. I probably have some letter beads around.

  2. Are you sure that you are not "Maxine"? What personality! So glad that I discovered your blog..... and 51 is awfully young to be a grandma.

    1. Hi Wendy - nice to meet you. I'm glad that you enjoy my blog. :)

  3. I loved visiting your blog. You are so generous to share your patterns,tips and thoughts with us. As a grandmother of 9, I love quick and easy!

    1. Thank you very much Joyce. I'm happy that you enjoyed your visit. :)

  4. Hello Debi, I just found your blog today, I also joined in with did you make that? I am 49 years old and I live in the UK. I am a soon to be Grandma and I love to knit and crochet. I have been busy making baby makes for my first Grandbaby.

    Some excellent tips here, I especially like the colour combinations tip and will definitely be using this tip for myself, thank you.

    1. Hi Linda Dawn - it's nice to meet you. Congratulations on your first grandchild. :)

  5. I searched on Pinterest for crochet hooks to see the many different adaptations to a plain hook. I've used gel pen grips, but am looking forward to making polymer clay covered hooks. The first two I did used too much clay, too heavy. I love your easy and straightforward instructions. Now to make some little letter beads to pin to in-progress projects as shown in your photo above.

  6. I am really enjoying your blog, Debi. I am fairly new to crochet and have found so many helpful hints and tips on your blog, not to mention some lovely patterns and projects and contests! Thank you for sharing your love of crochet artistry with us all. You are an inspiration to this beginner! :) THANK YOU!!!

  7. can you please help me find one of your patterns. it was put on your website May 31, 2014 with a pic, but no pattern. it was white, and round and right below the pink little baby cocoon. I love your website. it's so colorful and I love the patterns. can your help me please. my email is

  8. do you have a good pattern for baby mitts?
    Thank you

  9. Whats the best way to wash or freshen up a crochet project (such as a baby blanket) before you give as a gift. I don't like to use some laundry soaps because they may be to harsh for a baby. I've heard a little vinegar in the wash if good. Whats your thoughts.
    Thank you

    1. You can use the Tide 'free and clear' detergent - there's no dyes or fragrance added. Purex, Dreft and All also make detergents for baby items. :)

  10. I know is says somewhere but are your patterns in US or UK terminology? Thanks so much for sharing all your lovely patterns...I have been hooked on crochet for years and years and am always looking for new and different patterns. Thank you so much

    1. You're welcome. My patterns are written in US terminology. :)

  11. I love the granny square afghan you have as your cover photo. Very colorful and beautiful.

  12. Thank you for the great tips and hints. I'm sure I will be using a lot of them.

  13. Thank you for the tips and hints...... Very useful.....and I love ur project s.........thanks for sharing 😊

  14. Hi. I just saw a picture of a lovely crochet “square in a square”, for which you are credited as its creator. If so, could I please have a link to the pattern? Thank you

    1. Hi Cathy. Here it is:


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