
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

~ wiggles celebration bunting ~

- 4-ply worsted weight acrylic
   - small amounts of any color you would like
- I crochet hook
- small pony beads
- assorted fabric scraps
- fabric glue
- buttons
- Sharpie markers

Size:  4 1/2" x 5 1/2" (not including the chain tail)

Note:  I crochet tight so you may need to adjust the size of your crochet hook

Row 1:  Ch 19, dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in each ch across.  Turn.  (17 sts)

Row 2:  Ch 4 (counts as 1st dc and ch 1), skip next dc, dc in next dc.  *ch 1, skip next dc, dc in next dc.  Repeat from * 6 more times.  Ch 1, skip next dc, dc in top of ch 3.  Turn.

Row 3:  Ch 3, dc in each ch-1 space and dc across.  Dc in top of ch 3.  Turn.

Row 4:  Ch 2, dc in next dc (counts as a decrease), dc in each dc across, dc last dc and ch 3 together.  Turn.

Rows 5 - 10:  Ch 2, dc in next dc (counts as a decrease), dc in each dc across, dc last 2 dc together.  Turn.

Row 11:  Ch 2, dc next 2 dc together.  Ch 11, end off.

For wiggles:
Join any color (from the back) with a sl st around the turning ch-3 of Row 2, ch 3, 3 dc around the same st.  *Turn piece counter-clockwise, 4 dc around the next dc (this will be a little tricky, but it can be done). 

Turn piece clockwise, 4 dc around the next dc (again, this will be a little tricky). Repeat from * across to complete the wiggles. End off.

- cut out a triangle shaped piece of fabric and glue to the front of the bunting piece.  Add stitch marks with the Sharpie marker.

- glue on buttons

- add small pony beads to the ch-11 tail.

For hanging chain:
Ch 20, sc across the top of 1st bunting piece, * ch 5, sc across the top of the next piece.  Repeat from * for however many bunting pieces you have.  At the end, ch 20 and end off.

***Debi Y's pattern***


  1. How beautiful and so wonderful colours.


  2. Thanks for the pattern. Once again you have outdone yourself.

  3. A 100 already?!?! Wow! That's a lot!
    It looks very pretty!

  4. I think this pattern would be perfect for a baby shower, or added to a nursery. It would be perfect for stringing on the valance on the nursery window. Lovely for a graduate or a bridal shower. Debi, you must dream up patterns in your sleep. You are a busy woman!
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  5. 100, that's a lot. You've been really, really busy!

  6. ONE HUNDRED???? Oh my goodness, Debi. That is just jaw-dropping amazing. You should put together a little ebook of them all. I'd definitely buy one. I love your patterns.

  7. Wow, these are beautiful - thanks so much for sharing.

  8. Thank you for ALL your patterns, Debi - and this one is really a great one to celebrate the 100! (I still think you should publish a book *gg*)

  9. Beautiful as always. Thank you so much for your generosity! You're so sweet to share your creativity :-) I agree, you should make them into an e-book.

  10. Wow, 100 patterns! That's awesome!

  11. wow that is so wonderful, I love is a really cute one at that...I look forward to more.. and yes you should make an ebook...

  12. Oh Debi, I *love* this! Thanks so much for sharing your pattern. I hope to make one of these some day. :D

  13. Debi that is gorgeous. This is awesome...I want to try this...:)I want to try everything lol

  14. Hola. Te ha quedado preciosa¡¡¡¡ y felicidades por llegar a los 100 patrones¡¡

  15. Very cute! Congratulations on reaching 100 patterns on your blog, that is quite an achievement.

  16. 100! Wow!! So generous and so creative!

  17. These are so cute. Wow, 100 patterns. I love coming to your blog to see what's next. Thank you for being so generous to us.

  18. Very cute! Do you have a crochet hook in your hand all day long? Do you sleep with it? Ha! You are always creating the most wonderful things. Have a great day! Tammy :)

  19. lol Tammy. I crochet a lot in the evenings while watching TV. This bunting worked up so quick, I was done before I knew it. Thanks for dropping by. :)

  20. Thank you, thank you and thank you again for all your patterns.. You are very skilled dear Debi, I like your blog and I like your friendship.. I wish you more and more happy works with your friends... ((( Hugs..)))

  21. That's awesome! What an accomplishment. :)

  22. awesome can not wait to use this pattern.

  23. Thank you Beck, Kristin and Robert. :)

  24. I love these! The colors are awesome. I think the mixture of media is what makes them so pretty. I still haven't tried the squiggles yet.

    1. Thanks Kat. I debated whether or not to add the fabric because they still look good without it - but I do like the fabric look too. I guess they could go either way. :)

  25. 100....hundred free patterns....amazing Debi! Congratulations, this is a milestone:)

  26. What an adorable bunting. So kind and generous of you to share so many patterns. :-)


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